Financial strength of AXIS Capital Holdings Limited

2023 YE (USD)

$30.3B Total Assets

$6.6B Total Capital

A A.M. Best Rating

A+ S&P Rating

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Total capital represents the sum of total shareholders’ equity and debt

Ratings of insurance and reinsurance subsidiaries of AXIS Capital Holdings Limited


The AXIS insurance and reinsurance companies are rated "A+" (Strong) by Standard & Poor's and "A" (Excellent) by A.M. Best for claims-paying ability.

  • AXIS Specialty Limited (including Singapore branch)
  • AXIS Specialty Europe SE* (including London, Belgium and Netherlands branches)
  • AXIS Re SE* (including Zurich branch)
  • AXIS Reinsurance Company (including Canadian branch)
  • AXIS Insurance Company
  • AXIS Surplus Insurance Company
  • AXIS Specialty Insurance Company (currently not rated by A.M. Best)

These ratings are Claims-Paying Ability ratings, not investment security ratings, and reflect our ability to pay policyholder claims.

Information on the most current rating is available at or from Standard & Poor's at (212) 438-2400. Ratings are not a guarantee of an insurer's financial strength nor a recommendation as to the insurer.

AXIS Specialty Europe SE and AXIS Re SE are regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.


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