Elevate business protection through AXIS Risk Management services

A cyber incident can be devastating for a business, causing business interruption and reputational damage.

AXIS provides their policyholders a package of complimentary and discounted services from selected partners to elevate business protection, save on security and find the right expertise to address insureds’ biggest concerns.

To find out more about any of these services or to access them, please send a request to [email protected] and one of our security experts will help.


At AXIS, we offer far more than an insurance product. We help our cyber insurance customers to understand the cyber risk landscape and their own risks within it.

Through education, insight, guidance and cyber risk management services, we work with customers, brokers and key stakeholders to help build a more resilient and prepared market against today’s threats.


AXIS Risk Management Services at a glance

Complimentary services available to all AXIS cyber policyholders:

  • Onboarding call with AXIS Cyber Risk Advisory team
  • Incident Response Plan Review
  • Microsoft 365 Security Review Session
  • Rapid Risk Assessment
  • Information Security Consulting Session
  • Ransomware Security Assessment
  • Breach Counsel Advisory Session
  • Crisis Communication Advisory Session
  • Business Interruption Accounting Advisory Session

Discounted services available to all AXIS cyber policyholders:

  • Incident Response Tabletop Exercise
  • Unlimited Training, Awareness and Phishing Platform license
  • Microsoft 365 Security Assessment Engagement Penetration Testing Services
  • Enhanced Multi-Factor Authentication and Just-In-Time Identity Protection Software License Service


AXIS Understanding Cyber Security and Insurance (UCSI)

  • One-day in person course
  • Aimed at insurance brokers, reinsurers, or anyone who is involved in cyber risk modelling
  • Key learnings: what a cyber incident looks like, how to improve security, and how the right cyber insurance can help businesses before, during, and after an incident
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AXIS Understanding Cyber Security and Insurance (UCSI)


AXIS Cyber Incident Simulation

  • Half-day, in-person course
  • Designed to be jointly presented with a broker to their customers
  • Key learnings: how a cyber incident can affect every part of a business, not just the IT department. And that businesses can control how to prepare and respond to incidents
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AXIS Cyber Incident Simulation

Product information on this website is for descriptive purposes only and does not provide a complete summary of coverage, and is intended for use by licensed insurance producers. It is not an offer to sell, or a solicitation to buy, any insurance product for a particular insured. Policy terms, conditions or exclusions may vary. Coverage may not be available in all jurisdictions and is subject to underwriting. Consult the applicable insurance policy for specific terms, conditions, limits, limitations, and exclusions. No insurance product is offered or will be sold in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation would be unlawful. Coverage is underwritten by one or more subsidiaries of AXIS Capital Holdings Limited.

The services and service providers discussed above are suggested as risk mitigation providers does not guarantee the performance or quality of the services provided, including the avoidance of loss, the fulfillment of any obligations under any contract or compliance with any law, insurance advisor, to perform its own independent evaluation of any service provider as part of its overall risk management strategy.