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What type of business is it good for?

  • All industries whose business activities call for them to collect, process or store information of value.
  • This can include personal data, business critical information and any other data that could lead to financial loss, reputational damage or business interruption.
business-people Highly experienced underwriting and claims teams
/images/default-source/icons/svg/cyber-breach.svg?sfvrsn=f9189805_6 Global pre- and post- cyber incident response services
/images/default-source/icons/svg/wide-target.svg?sfvrsn=748fc85d_4 Broad underwriting appetite
Today, the threat of a cyber incident is real regardless of industry sector, size or geographic location. Cyber insurance and risk mitigation are critical to help protect businesses from financial loss and provide them with cyber security services that help them manage and recover from the effects of cyber attacks and cyber data incidents. We offer brokers and clients deep expertise in managing data security, guidance on preparing for an incident and guidance on preparing for a cyber incident response.


AXIS Business Interruption Insurance



AXIS Data Restoration Insurance



AXIS PCI Fines & Recertification Insurance



AXIS Outside Limits Crisis Management & Fraud Response Insurance

AXIS Outside Limits Crisis Management & Fraud Response coverage is only offered on select accounts. Please contact AXIS for details. AXIS Outside Limits Crisis Management & Fraud Response coverage is only offered on select accounts. Please contact AXIS for details.

  • Primary and excess appetite
  • Global appetite 
  • Privacy
  • Business interruption
  • Cyber extortion
  • Cyber terrorism
  • Electronic payment transactional fraud
  • Identity theft
  • Intellectual property
  • Internet/online media liability
  • Merchant data theft
  • Network security
  • Reputational risk
  • Technology liability
  • Agriculture
  • Construction and engineering
  • Consultants
  • Entertainment
  • Financial institutions
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality and leisure
  • Logistics
  • Manufacturing

  • Other service industry 
  • Property management and real estate
  • Publishing
  • Restaurants
  • Retailers
  • Transportation including rail and air
  • Travel industry

Cyber insurance is vital to
business resilience.

Discover how we help protect businesses before, during and after a cyber incident.


Find out how the potential impact from a cyber incident can be minimized by being prepared.

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See how our cyber insurance is built to support businesses operating in today’s environment.

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Explore how we rapidly
respond to assist
recovery in the event of
a cyber incident.

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Investing in understanding cyber

Rather than just adding to the noise, we’re leveraging our internal expertise and partnerships with leading market influencers and innovators to produce genuine insights; helping clients better understand the full scope of the threat landscape and how to mitigate against cyber risks.

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We deliver on our promises

Effective resolution for customers is achieved with our highly skilled claims specialists focusing on:

  • Quick decision making
  • Championing your needs
  • An honest approach

Learn more about claims

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AXIS Claims

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Customers claims stories

Claims examples may be based on actual cases, composites of actual cases or hypothetical claim scenarios and are provided for illustrative purposes only. Facts have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the parties. Whether or to what extent a particular loss is covered depends on the facts and circumstances of the loss, the terms and conditions of the policy as issued and applicable law.


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