Our Customers

Target business

  • Multinational banks and financial services companies
  • Hospitality, telecommunications/media and real estate
  • Large infrastructure, mining or manufacturing facilities

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Specialty solutions tailored to your needs

AXIS Energy Transition provides innovation, expertise, and solutions across all stages of the project lifecycle.


AXIS Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Radiation (NBCR) Insurance

AXIS Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Radiation (NBCR) Insurance can offer significant protection in this uniquely challenging risk class, often shunned by other carriers or listed as an exclusion in their standard coverage.


AXIS Political Violence (Including War) Insurance

Our underwriters structure policies to protect investments in business property and equipment in conflict zones and other politically unstable regions. We provide the capacity and underwriting skills to offer significant protection, even for high-profile targets.


AXIS Terrorism Liability Insurance

General liability programs often have relatively low limits, large self-insured retentions or deductibles. AXIS Terrorism Liability Insurance provides added protection against significant costs and liabilities that may arise from a terrorist attack.


AXIS Terrorism Property Damage & Business Interruption

AXIS Terrorism Property Damage & Business Interruption Insurance provides two forms of protection in a single policy: It protects against terrorism-related physical damage; and it can provide relief for the impact on revenue from a terrorist act.


AXIS Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Radiation (NBCR) Insurance


AXIS Political Violence (Including War) Insurance


AXIS Terrorism Liability Insurance

AXIS Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Radiation (NBCR) Insurance can offer significant protection in this uniquely challenging risk class, often shunned by other carriers or listed as an exclusion in their standard coverage.

Our underwriters structure policies to protect investments in business property and equipment in conflict zones and other politically unstable regions. We provide the capacity and underwriting skills to offer significant protection, even for high-profile targets.

General liability programs often have relatively low limits, large self-insured retentions or deductibles. AXIS Terrorism Liability Insurance provides added protection against significant costs and liabilities that may arise from a terrorist attack.


AXIS Terrorism Property Damage & Business Interruption

AXIS Terrorism Property Damage & Business Interruption Insurance provides two forms of protection in a single policy: It protects against terrorism-related physical damage; and it can provide relief for the impact on revenue from a terrorist act.


  • Primary, excess and quota share
  • Global coverage
  • Multi-year programs
  • Policies may be adapted to address specific client needs
  • $150 Million in house capacity per insured

Target Classes

  • Onshore energy and power generation
  • Construction
  • Infrastructure
  • Real estate
  • Banking and other financial services
  • Hospitality
  • Manufacturing
  • Telecommunications/media
  • Retail
  • Public entity
  • Healthcare and medical
  • Mining


We deliver on our promises

Effective resolution for customers is achieved with our highly skilled claims specialists focusing on:

  • Quick decision making
  • Championing your needs
  • An honest approach

Learn more about claims

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AXIS Claims

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Customers claims stories

Claims examples may be based on actual cases, composites of actual cases or hypothetical claim scenarios and are provided for illustrative purposes only. Facts have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the parties. Whether or to what extent a particular loss is covered depends on the facts and circumstances of the loss, the terms and conditions of the policy as issued and applicable law.


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We are a global insurer and reinsurer tackling unique challenges. At the heart of it all? Our people. As unique as the risks we face.

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