Our Customers

Target business & cedants

  • Regional insurance companies with specialties in marine and offshore energy insurance
  • Multinational carriers and Lloyd's syndicates
  • MGAs looking for marine expertise

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We are specialist reinsurers

Marine reinsurance is the backbone of world trade. Today, with international trade lanes changing and shipping technologies evolving, insurers need to rely on reinsurance partners with a deep expertise. The AXIS Re Marine team offers brokers and clients years of experience, advanced cat-modeling and actuarial capabilities.

We provide a market for marine and offshore energy reinsurance by offering proportional and excess of loss treaty structures covering both elemental and non-elemental perils. The AXIS Re Marine team writes business on worldwide, regional and national scopes for specialty marine classes including cargo, hull, marine liability, inland marine and offshore energy. The goal of our underwriters is to develop innovative and tailored solutions to ensure we can meet our clients' specific requirements.

The AXIS Re Marine claims specialists collaborate closely with our underwriting team, seeking to gain a deep understanding of our partners' businesses in order to deliver seamless service. In the event of a claim, AXIS claims specialists have access to numerous technical experts and specialized attorneys. We strive to resolve claims efficiently and fairly.

Excess of loss, per risk and per occurrence

Proportional reinsurance is available for all lines

Deep knowledge of market conditions and lines of business


We deliver on our promises

Effective resolution for customers is achieved with our highly skilled claims specialists focusing on:

  • Quick decision making
  • Championing your needs
  • An honest approach

Learn more about claims

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AXIS Claims

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Customers claims stories

Claims examples may be based on actual cases, composites of actual cases or hypothetical claim scenarios and are provided for illustrative purposes only. Facts have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the parties. Whether or to what extent a particular loss is covered depends on the facts and circumstances of the loss, the terms and conditions of the policy as issued and applicable law.


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