Our Customers

Target business

  • All traditional, digital and electronic media companies
  • Non-media companies engaged in media activities

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AXIS is a leading provider of media liability insurance with our media/professional insurance portfolio of policies. We offer coverage to a variety of media businesses including publishers, broadcasters, film producers, distributors and libraries, advertising agencies and public relations firms, public appearances, and multi media companies.

AXIS offers extensive underwriting and claims expertise, including staff attorneys specializing in First Amendment, privacy, publicity, intellectual property, errors and omissions (E&O), and cyber/data security and privacy, with a commitment to the media space dating back to 1979.

Our comprehensive media/professional insurance policies, which include the ability to add coverage for technology services error and omissions, miscellaneous professional services error and omissions, and a full suite of cyber/data security and privacy coverages, provide a one-stop solution for the insurance needs of all media businesses.

No "hammer" clause governing settlement

Worldwide territory

Occurrence policy form (claims made policy available)



AXIS PRO® Media/Professional Insurance®

Designed for businesses in today's changing media landscape, AXIS PRO® Media/Professional Insurance® offers comprehensive protection and the ability to write policies with dedicated limits based on a broad range of client needs.


  • Dedicated limits: instead of one aggregate limit applicable to all overages under the policy, we offer the option to write coverage with a dedicated limit for any combination of the following coverages:
    1. 1. media;
    2. 2. miscellaneous professional services error and omissions;
    3. 3. technology services error and omissions; cyber/data security and privacy
  • Defense in addition to limit, or defense within policy limits
  • Joint venture coverage: coverage is extended to cover the insured’s interest in a joint venture at no additional premium
  • Mitigation expense coverage: automatically included at full policy limit for no additional premium
  • Reporting of claims: governed by the awareness of a control group comprising senior executives and officers of the insured entity
  • Subpoena defense and free expression legal action expense and indecency complaint investigation expense: automatically included for qualified classes at a $100,000 sub-limit for no additional premium (higher limits are available)
  • Technology services errors and omissions: automatically included for qualified classes at a $100,000 sub-limit for no additional premium. Higher limits are available.
  • Up to $20 Million primary or excess coverage with capacity

Optional coverages

  • Miscellaneous professional services errors and omissions
  • Technology services errors and omissions
  • Cyber/data security and privacy
  • Advertising services errors and omissions
  • Business operations and personal injury
  • Commercial printing services errors and omissions

Target classes

Not all insurance coverages or products are available in all states and policy terms may vary based upon individual state requirements. Issuance of coverage is subject to underwriting and coverage depends upon the actual facts of each case and the terms, conditions and exclusions of each individual policy. anyone interested in an insurance policy should request a copy of the policy itself for a description of the scope and limitations of coverage The information on this Website is provided for informational purposes only and is not an offer to sell, or a solicitation to buy, any particular insurance product. No insurance product is offered or will be sold in any state in which such offer or solicitation would be unlawful under the laws of such state. Certain products may be offered by AXIS companies not licensed in your state and therefore may only available through a licensed surplus lines broker. Surplus lines insurers do not generally participate in state guaranty funds and insureds are not protected by such finds, and surplus lines insurers are not always subject to the same insurance regulatory standards applicable to licensed insurance companies.



AXIS Multimedia Liability Insurance Application 1010900 0222

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Multimedia Liability Insurance Renewal Application, AXIS 101 0949

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Product Sheet

AXIS Multimedia Company Liability Insurance Product Sheet

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Claims examples

Claims Examples

Advertising Agencies

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Claims Examples


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Claims Examples


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Claims Examples

Book Publishers

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Claims Examples


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Claims Examples

Newspapers & Magazines

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We deliver on our promises

Effective resolution for customers is achieved with our highly skilled claims specialists focusing on:

  • Quick decision making
  • Championing your needs
  • An honest approach

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AXIS Claims

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Customers claims stories

∗Claims examples may be based on actual cases, composites of actual cases or hypothetical claim scenarios and are provided for illustrative purposes only. Facts have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the parties. Whether or to what extent a particular loss is covered depends on the facts and circumstances of the loss, the terms and conditions of the policy as issued and applicable law.


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